Friday, October 28, 2016

My Faith Since I Became a Mom

I've always felt an intense desire to have a strong faith and relationship with God, but I didn't always know how and when to apply myself. I dabbled in scripture reading and devotions here and there throughout my young adult life and I even participated in a few small groups, but it wasn't until I became a mother that I felt the urgency to get my beliefs and understanding together so that I could help establish a strong Christian foundation for Graham. 

Within the last 2 years, I have found myself praying more and being more intentional about my prayers, especially when saying grace with Graham before his meals. He gets so excited to fold his hands when he hears the word "pray" and even when he thinks he hears the word, it's kind of adorable. At first I used a common little rhyming prayer that he would do the hand motions to, but then he got tired of that and honestly, so did I. It was empty, and to him it probably just seemed like another song that we sing to play, so I started saying "pray" and then we talk about the things we are thankful for. He enjoys grace much more and even claps when we're done, but at this age, it's probably because he knows he's about to get food.

Something else I started within this last week is utilizing the free devotions that come with my Bible app on my phone. I started searching the many topics that are available and found so many that I'm interested in that I had to save most of them for later. I couldn't choose just one, since they're so short and straight to the point, so I chose four to start with, one about marriage and sex, two about parenting and one about motherhood. Each of these free devotions are different lengths, but I set up reminders in my phone to pull them up about an hour after Graham goes to bed each night, and so far, I haven't skipped a day! I have already completed two of the original four I started and have since picked up another, totaling to three devotions right now. The new one I picked up is about uncovering basic faith and knowledge of Christian, something that I think I lack. I have found all of these devotions to be helpful, and I love how quick they are to get through and yet so informative while I try to give God at least 30 minutes of my hectic day. 

Since I started these devotions, I feel happier and more alert to things around me. I feel purpose and I feel a stronger connection with God and with my family.

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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