Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Update That Beats All Updated

Wow! It has been almost four years since I last posted on my Perpetually Prayerful blog and so many exciting, amazing, challenging things have happened! So let's catch you up a bit!

Family & Home Update

We are approaching our sixth year in South-Central Indiana! Nearly two years ago now we sold our first house and moved in with my in-laws for six months while we built our dream home. Andrew is in his seventh year of teaching and I still stay home with my little guys! Our oldest is four and a half and in preschool 3 days a week, our middle son just turned 3 and is still home with me full time, and we added one more little guy into our family, who is 9 months old, making us a family of 5! I love being a boy mom! People constantly ask if we are “trying for a girl” and I respond with “absolutely not! God knew what he was doing by making me a boy mom!” We have aspirations to foster/adopt one more little boy when our youngest is about 2 but we will see where God leads us before then.

Faith update

My faith has grown immensely over the last several years and I attribute a lot of my spiritual growth to becoming a mother, having an amazing, God-fearing spouse and having a spiritual family and social network. Through prayer, devotions, my mobile Bible App, my prayer journal, our weekly marriage journal (on our third one!), small group Bible Studies, 1 year of Bible Study Fellowship, deep conversations and a multitude of teachable moments with our children, my faith and confidence in Jesus has grown exponentially. Seeing the smallest fruits of my labor with our children has been such an encouragement for me to keep going. Our oldest two boys lead their own prayer time before bed, say their own table prayers before eating and get so excited to talk about our Lord, pray before preschool drop-off, attend Sunday School, read our daily preschool devotion and see God working all around them. Our hearts are full to watch their child-like faith and their love for and understanding of Jesus flourish.

Health Update

After three pregnancies, all pretty close together, I have been able to shake most or all of the baby weight. After my third pregnancy, I encountered the scariest health concerns of my life. Thankfully, the Lord got me through it and with our village we made it out unscathed. Maybe I'll write another post about this specific experience, but for now, I'll leave it there. 

I've done a lot of research over the years on diets, fads, exercise and tried different forms of weight loss to find the best for me. What I have found works best for me in Macro Counting and if I can stick to it, I see results. Pairing it with exercise helps me see even greater results, but I figure it's all about baby steps. I'm currently on track with my macro counting so we'll see if I can become a bit happier with my physical appearance this time around. I have a different drive to become physically fit as I approach 30 this August and now that I believe to be done having biological children. I also see the positive effects of getting healthy early and while I still have a body that can change pretty quickly. 

Thanks for catching up with me and I hope to start posting more again soon!

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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