Sunday, May 8, 2016

Clarity on Mother's Day

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. It's been the one thing I've dreamed about my entire life. It's one vocation I knew God called me to experience. But something I didn't see coming was the amount of clarity I got when I took up the post of motherhood. Now I understand why my mom bugged me about safety growing up. Now I understand that having children is all about raising tiny humans and giving them the tools to grow up into big, successful people. Now I understand the true struggle of body image, one piece swim suits, muffin tops and mom jeans. Why a mini van is a logical choice and why life insurance, wills, retirement, and mutual funds are important pieces of a successful legacy. Now I understand why patience is a virtue and why pain takes on a whole new meaning. I understand how it's possible to have a little piece of me running around outside of my body, and when he's hurt, I hurt. Now I understand why baby cuddles are so important, because at 9 months old he will only fit in my arms for a while longer. Now I understand the joy you can get just from seeing a toothless grin or hearing the words "mama" and he walks around the kitchen. It's late nights, baggy T-shirts, drool, bottles, snuggles, teething, baby kisses, diapers, tears, laughter and so much more that make life worth living. This is motherhood. 

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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