Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pregnancy: 16 & 17 Weeks

So much has happened since I last posted! At 16 weeks we had our gender ultrasound scheduled and found out if we're having a boy or girl! But don't get too excited, I can't share the official news with you yet! Our gender cake party is this coming weekend so I have to attempt to keep quiet until then! 

The Ultrasound was SO exciting! Baby has grown so much and was moving around like crazy! I was told to drink orange juice beforehand and wow, it worked! Baby waved at us with it's foot and was squirming all over the place! We decided to buy a girl outfit and boy outfit and have Jennifer, Andrew's cousin who works at our OBGYN office, put the appropriate outfit in the box for us to open in front of our camera at home! I was very exciting! 
Here is out little one at 16 weeks!

What a miracle! Andrew was even in tears at one point because of how much the baby had grown! It was truly memorable! 

As of today, I'm 17 weeks and 5 days and we have been slowly getting the nursery together! My parents are coming in this weekend for our family gender cake party and I can hardly contain my excitement! It's also been VERY hard not to spill the beans and not to buy every outfit I see now! Especially since Carter's has been having tons of baby sales! Here's the nursery so far, Andrew and his Papaw hung the Bible verse prints I made on Sunday!

I can't wait to share the gender of Baby Montgomery #1 with you soon! Check back in a few days for more details and pictures from our cake party!

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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