Sunday, November 23, 2014

5 Ways to Make the Holidays Less Stressful

The holidays really are stressful (and enjoyable) for most people. Family get-togethers, grocery shopping, side dish preparing, gift wrapping, holiday parties, Christmas card's all so fun, but it's also such a busy time of year. How can we make this stressful time more exciting?

  1. Decorate early - Most people get annoyed when Christmas decorations start making their way into stores before Halloween actually arrives, but getting your holiday decor up while the weather is still nice or a before Thanksgiving could actually relieve some stress. You and your family may also have more available time 
  2. Meal Plan - If you plan out your holiday meal and those surrounding it by making a detailed shopping list and menu, it could really help take the guess work out of meal prep for you, and those you're feeding.
  3. Make an ongoing gift idea list as ideas come to you or are discussed - Since most of us carry cell phones, use a notepad or word app on your phone to start taking down holiday gift ideas that you think of or get talked about by your family and friends. It's so neat to get great ideas throughout the day, but it can be so frustrating if you forget the ideas before you have a chance to purchase them.
  4. Christmas shop early and online - Sure, you might be able to get great deals on Black Friday, but there are some pretty great deals leading up to Black Friday and even more on Cyber Monday, the best part is you can get some shopping done from the comfort of your own home!
  5. Try to schedule your holiday events early to make the most of your free time for all things holiday - Call family and friends ahead of time to see where you need to be throughout your holiday to make the most of the time you have off from work. Prioritize your time to be the most efficient. 

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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