Sunday, August 31, 2014


It happened! We found a home, closed on it and moved in a month! Yes, we know, we're crazy! We moved to southern IN at the end of May, and we were given a months notice before moving so we were very hesitant in buying property long distance and without having time to shop around or see it first, so we settled on renting again. We have lived in apartments since we got married so we knew what we were in for and signed a 1 year lease in IN, little did we know, I would get this grand idea to start looking for houses 2 months into our 1 year lease. 

When we first moved, I looked for jobs but was struggling to land something right away so the realization of being a one income household scared us pretty good and after having taken Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University we decided to review our finances and see if renting or buying was a better fit for us. Come to find out, and this is pretty typical in most markets, buying is much cheaper than renting (if you live withing your means). We were paying $905/month, not including electric or internet/cable, for a two bedroom apartment. Granted, the apartment life had it's perks, not having yard work, less monthly bills like trash, water and gas, and we were able to utilize the pool and fitness center. Our mortgage payment, property taxes and homeowners insurance for a 3 bedroom/ 2 bathroom house was about $300 less that what we were paying in rent! {Jaw drops}! We also discovered that if we work our finances out carefully, we could live in our home on my husbands income alone, keeping in mind money would be tight, but knowing it's possible if I ever lose my job or decide to pursue my dream of being a stay-at-home-mom. So we looked and made it happen! We closed on the house August 28th and moved in August 30th & 31st. 

Thanking God for family, life, love and the ability to do good in the world through Him! 

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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