Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Soapbox Serenade

So to break away from my usual topics, sort of, I thought I would briefly vent. My husband and I are starting to feel the strain of money issues. Don't get me wrong, we are both very good with our money, however, we both have student loans and a car payment on top of monthly expenses. Let me explain more...

My disgruntled attitude is coming from the viewpoint of a young American (obviously). More specifically, my husband and I attended a four year college, and the fact that we CHOSE to attend a private school was definitely OUR CHOICE, however, we chose a private school because it upheld our personal and religious values, which we felt was imperative to sculpting our education and our world views. That being said, we each spent over $30,000/year! Sure, we had scholarships and some help from our parents, but combined we have over $62,000 in student loans that we owe. Take that plus the cost of living and the starting salaries of fresh graduates, how are we supposed to survive? No wonder generation y and z are living with their parents into their late 20's and 30's...we can't afford to get a college education and we can't afford to be without one! SO, we bust our behinds going to college, to graduate like so many people do these days, struggle to find a job and then when we do, we make minimal salaries that barely support our life with the higher cost of living. I respect my elders, but it's hard to sit there and take it when the baby boomers complain that our generation is lazy, when really, society is crippling our abilities to sustain ourselves! This is such a frustrating realization when all we're trying to be is independent, successful young adults and our country is pushing us down. we're just hardworking Americans trying to live our American Dream, we pay our taxes, we don't break the law and we're still not able to change our circumstances.

How do you feel about this? Leave a comment below!

Happy Living and God's Blessings!

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