Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pregnancy: 6 & 7 Weeks

6 Weeks
On day 3 of week 6, nausea and exhaustion hit me. Today is day 5 of week 6 and the nausea has been an all-day thing. I feel myself getting hungry and nothing sounds good to eat. The only things I can somewhat stomach are dry rice krispies, instant rice, crackers and bananas. Nothing else even remotely sounds appetizing, so I have 0 cravings, although I was able to eat garlic hummus and salted tortilla chips okay. My dress pants are also getting much tighter. I can barely button my gray dress pants to put my belly band over and my black ones are still buttoning okay, but that won't last long. I'm almost always cold throughout the day, my hands and feet are like ice and I think my hair feels fuller and my nails look nice and white but I'll have to document these changes over time.

At 6 weeks 4 days we had our first prenatal appointment. Our nurse was very informative and took my labs.  We also scheduled our first ultrasound for December 17th, and they will make us a dvd of our little one! I can't even believe it. I feel like it's all going so fast since we're already more than halfway through the first trimester! It was nice having Andrew at my appointment though, and I think it was good for him to hear the nurse talk about all of the symptoms I may experience and what to expect. He's been getting better at being supportive and he's almost always helpful.
How Far Along: 6 weeks 6 days today.
Size of Baby: About the size of a sweet pea.
Symptoms: Nausea started at 6 weeks 3 days and tried around 7:30pm.
Maternity Clothes: I bought two tops for Christmas and a big sweater so far, but I desparately need to invest in maternity pants.
Stretch Marks: None yet, fingers crossed.
Sleep: I've been getting lots of it! 
Best Moment of the Week: Our first doctor's appointment and seeing Andrew take extra good care of me! :) 
Movement: None yet.
Food Cravings: The only things I can somewhat stomach are dry rice krispies, instant rice, crackers and bananas. Nothing else even remotely sounds appetizing, so I have 0 cravings.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Almost everything.
Gender: We don't know... yet!
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Ring on or Off: On
What I Miss: Being able to go throughout the day and not be hungry or nauseous.
What I am Looking Forward to: Our first ultrasound!My growing belly, meeting our little one!
Labor Signs: Nope :)
Nursery: So far we've gotten a stuffed elephant from Rick and Julie, a blanket and a pack of diapers from Mom and Dad, and I've purchased baby's coming home outfit, nursing pads, nipple cream, and a nursing scarf. I also returned the gifts I bought myself for under our Christmas tree and purchased two maternity shirts, an oversized cardigan and larger underwear. I desperately need to invest in maternity pants though. Desperately. As for the nursery, I went through and cleaned out the closet and set up the hanging clothing organizer and started sticking my supplies in there. I think bloggers and moms alike call this nesting? Perhaps I began nesting. I am excited to start getting things for the baby though!

7 Weeks
I've still been pretty nauseous this week, which isn't fun, but when I feel miserable, I remember how thankful I am that I'm nauseous because it means that we have a baby! So many women long to be able to experience what I'm experiencing and I need to celebrate every little moment of this joyful event in our lives! We are so blessed!

How Far Along: 7 weeks 3 days today.
Size of Baby: About the size of a blueberry (Daddy likes to think of you as his little Smurf!).
Symptoms: Nausea that lets me sleep long hours during the day and night.
Maternity Clothes: I bought materinity dresspants and maternity jeans and I find myself wondering why I havn't worn these comfy cltohes my whole life!?
Stretch Marks: None yet, fingers crossed.
Sleep: Tons! I'm stocking up! ;) 
Best Moment of the Week: I think the nausea may finally be starting to taper off...we'll see!
Movement: None yet.
Food Cravings: I wanted Chipotle over the weekend and frozen pizza, and now I'm craving peanut butter (more like that's all I can stomach).
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Almost everything, smells, certain foods... yuck!
Gender: All we know so far is that we want to have a gender reveal party!
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Ring on or Off: On
What I Miss: Being able to go throughout the day and not be hungry or nauseous.
What I am Looking Forward to: Our first ultrasound!My growing belly, meeting our little one!
Labor Signs: Nope :)
Nursery: Nothing new this week, but Nana asked if she could get us baby stuff for Christmas and of course we said yes!!! :D

We Made Our Facebook Announcement on 12/4/14

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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