Friday, December 19, 2014

Pregnancy: Weeks 8-13

Week 8 was very exciting! This week I still battled with all day nausea, found my new obsession: pineapple mango smoothies!!, I finally got nausea medicine which is AMAZING, and we got to see our little peanut for the first time!!! 

Wednesday was our first ultrasound appointment and Andrew's cousin Jennifer works at our doctor's office so she got to be at our whole appointment, which was suuuper quick might I add! They found our little one right away and we got to hear his or her heartbeat! It's at 170, which is typically girl range, so I'm thinking my suspicions of baby being a little lady were right all along, but we'll have to wait a few more weeks to confirm that! The doctor said our little one looked good and he would see me again for a standard checkup in weeks!

I had been looking up 8 week ultrasound pictures online so I could kind of have an idea of what baby would look like, but nothing compared to seeing OUR baby! It all happened so fast but Andrew said he teared up when he saw our peanut! So exciting! Take a peek! (baby's head is on the right and body on the left!)

How Far Along: 8 weeks 5 days today.
Size of Baby: About the size of a raspberry, about .5" long!
Symptoms: Nausea and exhaustion.
Maternity Clothes: Nothing purchased recently.
Stretch Marks: None yet.
Sleep: Tons, but I don't feel like I can get enough!
Best Moment of the Week: We get to see our little one for the first time today!
Movement: Haven't felt any yet.
Food Cravings: It's been so random, cornbread is one and pineapple mango smoothies! mmm!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Lots of things, mostly when my stomach is empty.
Gender: I read that I might be able to tell at our first ultrasound today, so we'll see!
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Ring on or Off: On, but it may come off soon, while I can still get it on and off.
What I Miss: Being able to go throughout the day and not be hungry or nauseous.
What I am Looking Forward to: My growing belly and meeting our little one!
Labor Signs: Hopefully not for a while.
Nursery: Nana is trying to buy our upholstered glider for the nursery :)


Week 9 is off to a great start, with nausea waving goodbye in the rear view mirror, I can finally eat when I want to and eat whatever I want! Ahhh it's so nice to feel normal again! This week I had to whip out my first maternity top because everything else seemed too tight, however this must have made my bloat look like a baby bump because a few family members started rubbing the belly already. Funny thing is, I still haven't gained any weight yet, so maybe I'm just retaining more water?

This week is Christmas, which means not only is my work week shorter, but we'll get to celebrate this holiday with all of our family over the course of a few days! I love knowing my work week will be short, I just hope time flies by!

Little one is growing everyday and we are amazed to learn all that is happening each week! I love my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" app because they have a video each week about what's happening with baby! It's a short, and fun little time for Andy and I to connect and get excited about little one! 

Have a Merry Christmas!!


Happy New Year! I hope you and your loved ones had a safe and blessed end of 2014 and beginning of 2015! I can't believe that this is the year our baby will be born! It's so unreal! I wish I could tell you about the lavish and extravagant New Year's Eve plans that we had, but truth be told this Momma has been soooooo tired! Andrew and I had plans to stay up, watch some episodes of a TV show, cook frozen pizza, lay around in our sweat pants and play a board game or two...yeah right! Andrew took the frozen pizza out of the over around 6pm and I took one look at it and I said...yeah I don't feel good I'm going to go lay down. I slept until 10 pm! I woke up knowing I needed to eat something to be able to take my vitamins and looked at the pizza again...not loving the idea, took a few bites and went back to sleep until hubby woke me up at midnight to kiss! He's so sweet :) Then I went back to sleep until New Year's Day around 8am. Yep. Suuuuper eventful! I didn't make my chalkboard sign for week 10 yet, and since I missed my photo ops this week...being so tired, guess it will just be a picture of the sign without me!


I can't believe we're 11 weeks along already! It feels like it's been forever...and yet like we just found out yesterday, all at the same time! Nausea comes and goes still but overall I just can't seem to get enough sleep! I'm so tired!!! We watched our "What to Expect" video this morning as we hit the 11 week mark and our little one has a tongue, is chewing, has nail beds, and is about 2 inches long! Of course there are many other exciting things happening this week, but that's just so crazy!!!! Can't wait to have another check up in about 2 weeks!

I've been reeeeally bad at taking my picture with my signs this trimester, I've just been so tired and in sweat pants most days that I haven't wanted my  picture taken even a little. Hopefully next trimester I'll have more energy, no nausea and be taking my belly pictures like crazy! I've started wearing my maternity tops since Christmas because I feel like they're much more spacious since I'm just on the verge of going from bloat to bump!


12 weeks...I got really excited because I thought 12 weeks meant we were out of the first trimester...but I guess that's not exactly how it works. My extreme exhaustion left around 11 weeks 3 days and now I actually feel pretty normal! I'm not as bloated, as hungry, as tired or as nauseous as I was before, which rocks! We have our monthly appointment today and I'm excited and hopeful to hear that everything is going well. I've been experiencing more noticeable pains and cramps though, which can be uncomfortable at times, but I still feel way better than I did a few weeks ago. We have to get my engagement ring and wedding band inspected every 6 months to maintain the lifetime warranty on them and last week I noticed that a diamond had fallen out. We took it in to get fixed and they inspected my rings before saying, "thanks, see you in July!" July. July is when our baby is due....July is 6 months away....whoa! What an earth shattering moment, I feel like we just found out we were pregnant and now the baby is coming in 6 months already?! The months seem to be flying by, but the weeks..not so much! I'm so excited to meet our sweet sweet babe, but I'm REALLY excited to find out the baby's gender too! That should be coming up here in about 3-4 weeks! AHH! :D God is so awesome! Thankfully, I still really haven't gained any weight, more so maintained about an extra lb or two, which I'm totally okay with. Although I look like a parachute....I'm excited to really pop and look more pregnant than chubby! (I wish my face wasn't getting rounder...but I still feel blessed to have a little one growing inside of me!)


Hello 13 weeks! We're almost out of the 1st trimester and I can hardly believe it! This week 3 people noticed, all on the same day, that I've finally "popped", although I have felt like a whale for a few weeks now! My husband even patted me down thinking I was carrying things in my coat and he responded "wow, you didn't look this pregnant yesterday!" Thanks honey...! HAHA! Also, my husband's grandparents purchased our upholstered rocking chair for the nursery and it came in yesterday and my husband and his grandfather assembled it! It looks great! Now it just needs to be broken in a little bit! 

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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