Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Smoothie of the Day

Well Ladies and Gents, it's time for the Smoothie of the Day! Today's smoothie is a recipe I found online that I reworked a bit and I can't take credit for the picture, I snagged it off of Google, but anywho, we're going to call today's smoothie Orange Sunrise. What's in it you ask? Well let's see:

  • 4 Apples (Sliced)
  • 1 Sweet Potato (Cooked and Peeled)
  • 2 large Carrots (washed and the ends trimmed off)
  • 2 cans of Mandarin Oranges (with the juice) OR 6 Clementines

What makes this smoothie good for you?
  • Apples
    • Apples are filled with soluble fiber  (5 grams)
      • This fiber has been shown to reduce intestinal disorders, including diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and possibly some types of cancer
    • Helps control insulin levels by releasing sugar slowly into the bloodstream.
      • Cleanses and detoxifies, which helps eliminate heavy metals, such as lead and mercury.
    • Apple pectin helps reduce cholesterol levels by lowering insulin secretion.In two studies researchers found that eating five apples a week lowered the risk for respiratory diseases like asthma.
    • According to Chinese Medicine: Apples strengthen the heart, quench thirst, lubricate the lungs, decrease mucous and increase body fluids.
    • Apple cider vinegar can help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
    • Studies indicate that eating apples daily can reduce skin diseases.
    • According to a Brazilian study, eating an apple before a meal helped women lose 33 percent more weight than those who didn’t.
    • An apple has only 50-80 calories and has no fat or sodium.
    • Apples are packed with vitamins C, A , and flavonoids and with smaller amounts of phosphorus, iron,  and calcium.
    • Apples provide a source of potassium which may promote heart health.
  • Sweet Potatoes
    • They are high in vitamin B6.  Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including heart attacks
    • They are a good source of vitamin C.  While most people know that vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses, few people are aware that this crucial vitamin plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation. It helps accelerate wound healing, produces collagen which helps maintain skin’s youthful elasticity, and is essential to helping us cope with stress. It even appears to help protect our body against toxins that may be linked to cancer
    • They contain Vitamin D which is critical for immune system and overall health at this time of year.  Both a vitamin and a hormone, vitamin D is primarily made in our bodies as a result of getting adequate sunlight. You may have heard about seasonal effective disorder (or SAD, as it is also called), which is linked to inadequate sunlight and therefore a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays an important role in our energy levels, moods, and helps to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth, and it supports the thyroid gland
    • Sweet potatoes contain iron. Most people are aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy, but iron plays other important roles in our body, including red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper immune functioning, and the metabolizing of protein, among other things
    • Sweet potatoes are a good source of magnesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. Magnesium is necessary for healthy artery, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function, yet experts estimate that approximately 80 percent of the population in North America may be deficient in this important mineral
    • They are a source of potassium, one of the important electrolytes that help regulate heartbeat and nerve signals. Like the other electrolytes, potassium performs many essential functions, some of which include relaxing muscle contractions, reducing swelling, and protecting and controlling the activity of the kidneys
    • Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting but their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain
    • Their rich orange color indicates that they are high in carotenoids like beta carotene and other carotenoids, which is the precursor to vitamin A in your body.  Carotenoids help strengthen our eyesight and boost our immunity to disease, they are powerful antioxidants that help ward off cancer and protect against the effects of aging. Studies at Harvard University of more than 124,000 people showed a 32 percent reduction in risk of lung cancer in people who consumed a variety of carotenoid-rich foods as part of their regular diet. Another study of women who had completed treatment for early stage breast cancer conducted by researchers at Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) found that women with the highest blood concentrations of carotenoids had the least likelihood of cancer recurrence
    • There are versatile. Try them roasted, puréed, steamed, baked, or grilled. You can add them to soups and stews, or grill and place on top of leafy greens for a delicious salad. I enjoy grilling them with onions and red peppers for amazing sandwich or wrap ingredients.  Puree them and add to smoothies and baked goods.
  • Carrots
    • Improved Vision - Western culture’s  understanding of carrots being “good for the eyes” is one of the few we got right. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
    • Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. A study found that people who eat the most beta-carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little.
    • Cancer Prevention - Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers have just discovered falcarinol and falcarindiol which they feel cause the anticancer properties.
    • Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3 lower cancer risk by carrot-eating mice.
    • Anti-Aging - The high level of beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism.  It help slows down the aging of cells.
    • Healthy Glowing Skin (from the inside) - Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.
    • A Powerful Antiseptic - Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts – shredded raw or boiled and mashed.
    • Beautiful Skin (from the outside) - Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask.  Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask
    • Prevent Heart Disease - Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease.  Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein. The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids.
    • Cleanse the Body - Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help clean out the colon and hasten waste movement.
    • Healthy Teeth and Gums - It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste.  Carrots stimulate gums and  trigger a lot of saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria.  The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.
    • Prevent Stroke - From all the above benefits it is no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less
  • Mandarin Oranges
    • Helps Prevent Cancer - Oranges are rich in citrus limonoids, proven to help fight a number of varieties of cancer including that of the skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon.
    • Prevents Kidney Diseases - Drinking orange juice regularly prevents kidney diseases and reduces the risk of kidney stones. Note: drink juice in moderate amounts. The high sugar content of fruit juices can cause tooth decay and the high acid content can wear away enamel if consumed in excess.
    • Reduces Risk of Liver Cancer - According to two studies in Japan eating mandarin oranges reduces liver cancer. This may be due in part to vitamin A compounds known as carotenoids.
    • Lowers Cholesterol - Since they’re full of soluble fiber, oranges are helpful in lowering cholesterol.
    • Boosts Heart Health - Oranges are full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral is responsible for helping the heart function well. When potassium levels get too low, you may develop an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia.
    • Lowers Risk of Disease - Oranges are full of vitamin C which protects cells by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals cause chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease.
    • Fights Against Viral Infections - Studies show that the abundance of polyphenols in oranges protects against viral infections.
    • Relieves Constipation - Oranges are full of dietary fiber which stimulates digestive juices and relieves constipation.
    • Helps Create Good Vision - Oranges are rich in carotenoid compounds which are converted to vitamin A and help prevent macular degeneration.
    • Regulates High Blood Pressure - The flavonoid hesperidin found in oranges helps regulate high blood pressure and the magnesium in oranges helps maintain blood pressure.
    • Protects Skin - Oranges are full of beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant protecting the cells from being damage which also protects the skin from free radicals and prevents the signs of aging.
    • Oranges Alkalize the Body - Although oranges are acidic before you digest them, they contain many alkaline minerals that help to balance out the body after they are digested. In this respect, they are similar to lemons which are one of the most alkaline foods available.
    • Provides Smart Carbs - Oranges like all fruits have simple sugars in them, but the orange has a glycemic index of 40.  Anything under 55 is considered low. This means as long as you don’t eat a lot of oranges at one time, they won’t spike your blood sugar and cause problems with insulin or weight gain
**Please note that the website I compiled this information from can be found by clicking one of the blue ingredient links or by clicking here

There you have it folks! This is definitely one of my favorite smoothies, plus it's sweet! You can even add some greens to it and you probably wouldn't notice much!

Happy Living & God's Blessings!

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